4 Important Questions Regarding Surge Protection Devices

4 Important Questions Regarding Surge Protection Devices

Surge Protection is used to protect electrical appliances and installations such as wiring and accessories from power surges known as transient over-voltages. Appliances and equipment with delicate circuitry are susceptible to damage caused by voltage surges and power spikes. Surge protection devices help in protecting sensitive electrical equipment, such as computers, entertainment systems, safety circuits, etc.

The impact of a surge can be seen in the instant malfunctioning of the appliances or gradual damage to the equipment over a period of time. To avoid that from happening, surge protection devices are usually installed within the consumer unit.

However, different types of SPDs can be used to protect equipment from other incoming devices such as cable TV and telephone lines. It is important to understand that only protecting electrical installations and not any other incoming services will allow transient voltage to enter through another route.

To help you understand the functions and uses of surge protection devices, let us answer some pertinent questions.

1. What Are The Different Types Of Spds?

There are three types of SPDs:

For the multiple SPDs to adequately protect the installation, it is necessary to ensure that they are coordinated properly for their correct operation. If you are buying these items from multiple manufacturers, make sure they are compatible. This is why it is crucial to hire a certified electrician for the installation of surge protection devices, for they are equipped and experienced to provide proper guidance.

2. What Do Transient Over-Voltages Mean?

Transient over-voltages are a short span of power surges that happen due to the sudden release of electricity that has been previously stored or stimulated by other means. They can be both naturally occurring and man-made.

3. How Do Transient Over-Voltages Occur?

Man-made transients occur due to the switching of transformers and motors along with some types of lighting. Earlier, this was not such an issue within household installations. However, with the advent of technology, such as speed controlled washing machines, electrical vehicle charging, etc., these installations are responsible for causing the transient over-voltage even in domestic appliances and equipment.

Natural transient over-voltages may be caused due to indirect lightning strikes on a telephone line or overhead power lines, allowing these power surges to travel along these lines into your homes.

4. Is It Necessary To Install SPDs?

The primary decision on whether or not to purchase SPDs lies in the hands of the customers. However, they must be carefully informed about life and property risks to make an informed decision. They must assess the safety risk factors and consider the cost evaluation before getting a surge protection device installed in their homes.

While the SPDs may cost a few hundred pounds, it is nothing compared to the cost of losing your sensitive electrical installations, such as smoke detection, TVs, and computers, to power surges and transient over-voltage.

These days, surge protection can be installed within your homes if you have the appropriate space availability. However, suppose you do not have the space available. In that case, it could be installed in an external enclosure adjoining the consumer unit.

You must also check with your insurance company if it is necessary to install the SPD device to claim the pay-out in case of damage. Remember to consult with a qualified professional before deciding anything regarding SPDs’ installation to ensure safer and more personalized integration!


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