The New High Protein Diet

Protein Diet

Protein Diet

If you want to follow a high protein diet you need to find out more about high protein foods and proteins in general so read carefully. Maybe you are wondering what is best to eat, when to eat and what food has the highest protein amount. These issues have been debated for years. At first the role of protein wasn’t well known to the world but today you have all the information you want. Let’s begin. Your body needs a lot of amino acids; some of these amino acids are synthesized by your body itself, others you have to get from aliments you consume. First thing you need to do is figure out how much protein you need in order to reach your fitness goals.

In order to survive in the world of fitness and bodybuilding you need to follow a good nutritional plan or diet. The high protein diet is one of the most popular diets in the world of fitness and body building. The idea on which it is based is not as complicated as you think. Think at the dawn of man and at our ancestors. They were hunting, running and their main food was meat. Your body needs protein, as much as possible especially if you do a lot of exercise and training. Protein is the main ingredient in muscles’ construction, so if you are looking to build muscular mass or fortify your muscles you need to have a good protein intake. This is where the diet comes into play because once you work out, your muscles get tired and they need proteins to get back in shape.

It’s time to tell you how eating certain foods with no restrictions (especially meat) will get you to lose weight and burn fat. This may sound unbelievable but it’s quite simple. The aliments you have to eat are low in carbohydrates and especially very low in saturated fats which are the most dangerous fats. So if you want to eat quality protein food you must eat food with no saturated fats and no carbs; this way you will surely get where you want with your fitness. In fitness and bodybuilding “no fat and high protein” becomes a “Must”.

Let’s See Now What Foods Are The Richest In Protein.

Whey is an important source of proteins and also the most popular protein in the world of bodybuilders. Foods and supplements containing whey are at high price and sometimes producers can’t cover the requests. A good way to get these proteins is to find whey and mix it in your home made recipes like you will find in the bodybuilder’s kitchen cookbook. Whey products also have great immunological benefits. Soy is another good base for rich in protein foods. It is not a crucial element in bodybuilding but it’s a great protein spring and it is very healthy. Soy isn’t recommended for young women because it interferes with fertility so if you are a woman and like soy don’t eat too much; twice a week is good but no more. Eggs are a great deposit of protein. The only thing is that eggs alone won’t do the job. Eat them combined with other protein aliments unless you don’t want to eat a whole box. You could eat the whole box of eggs but afterwards your cholesterol would simply scream from your body.

Chicken meat, lean beef or other lean meats, turkey, salmon, shrimps and tuna will do wonders for those muscles considering the fact that they also contain those omega 3 fats which are one of the greatest sources of energy for our body. Eaten in moderate amounts and timed right on schedule, these foods will do wonders for your health and for your work-out. Today’s market is promoting all sorts of processed foods with all sorts of unhealthy stuff in their composition. Basic fresh aliments are the key to a healthy, rich in protein nutrition because you are sure of what they contain. I was very surprised one day to see that a certain type of low fat salami I was eating regularly contained large amounts of sugar. You are wondering maybe what is the best time to eat high protein food and what is the proper amount. For a normal intake of protein you should eat around 0.50g of protein per pound. That is the amount for a normal person. But if you are a body builder planning to follow a high protein diet the amount will be 1+g per pound; for this amount the body building dieters should chose supplements. For example a protein shake with 2 spoons of protein powder will increase your protein intake with 30g or more. Also protein bars are good for your diet. The good thing about these supplements is that you don’t have to cook any fancy food all day long to get the right amount of protein you need. To prepare a shake will take you less than two minutes and you can mix the powder with any drink you want. If you mix the protein powder with whey you will have a protein bomb in your glass. Also the protein bar isn’t bigger than a Bounty so it is very easy to fit in your bag or in your briefcase.

The most popular high protein diets are “sugar busters”, “zone diet”, “anabolic diet” and the well known “Atkins diet”. The common feature of these diets is that they will lead to a serious fat loss in the very near future. That means you will see results in the first 2 weeks of the diet. For people willing to build muscular mass and are already slim, the dosage of the aliments is very important. Please do not follow any diet without asking your doctor first. Maybe your body lacks glucose or maybe you have other illnesses and these diets may affect you on long term. Following a high protein diet requires a lot of will, motivation and free time; as a bodybuilder you need to eat at least 5 times a day and if you can’t do that you will see no effects. Make sure that your program allows you to follow this diet because if you don’t have time for it, your efforts will be in vain.

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