The Professional Administration Of Patriots Energy Group Inc.

As the global natural gas and oil market is growing, the U.S. can easily hop into it as one of the top leaders and producers of the business, due to it’s enormous natural potential and the possibility of gaining rock-solid finances and leadership education in the U.S. In order to maintain the energy independence of the United States, innovative and clever minds with strong ambitions are needed.The Patriots Energy Group Inc. is an energy development organization headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah which does not just simply extract oil from various lucrative fields of the U.S. , but also helps our economy grow thanks to the professional masterminds pulling it’s strings.

The president of Patriots Energy Group Inc. is Mark W. Wheeler.What makes him an extraordinary leader of the company is the fact that he is already a veteran of business, with at least 35 years of business experience, and even a well-discplined member of the U.S. military, having graduated from the United States Naval Academy.His prowess is multilateral and involves executive management, technical design and development management, international marketing, staff management, system design and even software and hardware sales.Mr. Wheeler is strongly aware of how significant it is to hire skilled engineers and geologists in order to perform prospecting and geological analysis, in order to extract oil the best way possible and produce a top quality final product.All of these previously mentioned characteristics are enough of a proof of Mr. Wheeler’s potential and significance in the U.S. energy industry.

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Besides the president of Patriots Energy Group Inc. most of the other members of the company’s administration also have a lot of military and lingual experience, which gives the company the upper hand when it comes to discipline and various business and negotiation skills.One of those members is certainly Karl Gashler, another crucial link of the company’s chain of business.Having graduated from the United States Air Force Academy, Mr. Gashler gained experience in a total of 99 combat missions in the Middle East.Another interesting fact is that Mr. Gashler speaks Mandarin Chinese fluently and he had achieved a perfect score on the DLPT (Defense Language Proficiency Test).He later left the military business in order to purse goals involving commercial real estates.

Besides the two previously mentioned gentlemen, Patriots Energy Group Inc. is working at full power due to a lot of other efficient members.Among them are David Acosta, the founder of  Critical Incident Management Solutions, Mr. Louis Judd, responsible for project oversight, Mr. James C. Johnson, the company’s consulting petroleum geologist, as well as C.G. Collins, the company’s consulting engineer.

The American society has a duty to encourage more minds to pursue similar goals as the previously mentioned people, because that might just be what our future depends on.