The Shoprider Sunrunner 4 Mobility Scooter

The Shoprider Sunrunner 4 Mobility Scooter

Do you want a mid-sized four-wheeled scooter with a comfortable captain’s seat, bright headlights and a matching front basket? The Shoprider Sunrunner 4 Mid-Size Mobility Scooter is a stable scooter that offers you the perfect combination of luxury and everyday use.

The Shoprider Sunrunner 4 mobility scooter has a weight capacity of 300 pounds. This mid-range scooter is powered by two 35Ah batteries, giving you an incredible range of 25 miles per single charge.

The Sunrunner 4 also has an above average speed in the mid-size range, with a top speed of 5 miles per hour. The Sunrunner 4 has four large tires for extra stability. The front wheel is 7 inches, while the rear wheel is 8 inches.

These tires give you 3 inches of ground clearance so you can drive on many different terrains. For more on top folding mobility scooters visit Electric Wheelchairs USA.

The Shoprider mobility scooter also has a high climbing degree of 8 degrees. You can safely go up and down hills. A rear suspension will keep you upright no matter where you drive. The glossy front cover protects the display from scratches.

With all these great features, the Shoprider Sunrunner 4 can be your first ride. Whether you’re cruising around the neighborhood, on the outdoors, or across town, this scooter will get you there.

Long battery life, sturdy design and high ground clearance make it a great choice for anyone. The Sunrunner 4 is a full-size mobility scooter with a bright front, perfect for evening use.

Do you plan to drive at night? Then add the optional full lighting package that includes turn signals and hazard warning lights.

The Sunrunner 4 has a fully padded captain’s chair with headrest. Seat can slide for the best driving position. It also swings sideways, so you won’t have any trouble getting into the scooter.

You can rotate the seat for added convenience on the go. This luxury mobility scooter also features large armrests for added comfort and safety.

At Electric Wheelchairs USA, we truly love helping our customers make the best choice for their needs whether it is a power chair, mobility scooter, or lift chair.